Bringing excellence in joint, muscle, and nerve care since 2006.

Treatments & Procedures


Traditional Chiropractic Procedures

Chiropractic procedures that are used at the Center for Spine and Injury include traditional techniques such as:

  • Diversified

  • Gonstead

  • Activator

  • Cox Flexion/Distraction

Dr. Emerich will utilize a combination of these procedures depending on the patient’s health history and examination. These treatment procedures will target the joints of the spine or other joints of the body that are not functioning or moving properly possibly causing your symptoms. The procedures re-establish proper movement of a joint.


Chiropractic Neurology


Chiropractic Neurology is a cutting edge treatment approach based on principles of “neural plasticity”. With this approach, treatment will be attempting to create new neurological pathways to rehabilitate injuries or damage to the nervous system. Conditions such as Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, Vertigo and Dizziness and Movements Disorders have a recent success incorporating this a the main treatment in the rehabilitation. Each condition and patient is different and the treatments will be designed on a case to case basis.


Cold Laser Therapy


Cold Laser Therapy is another cutting edge treatment procedure. The cold laser is a deep penetrating procedure that works on reducing inflammation at a cellular level. This means that any cell that has been damaged will absorb the laser and this will stimulate a healing response in the cell. Any additional benefit of the Cold Laser is that if a cell does not need to be healed the laser light will pass right through not harming the cell, thus no real side effects!!


CBD Edibles, Oils and Creams

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Cannabidiol (CBD) works by interacting with a vast set of receptors in your body called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Your ECS is involved in many important jobs, including regulating your anxiety levels, sleep schedule, pain perception, anti-inflammatory response, immune system, mood, and more. Overall, your ECS is always working to keep your body in homeostasis, its optimal state. (


Clinical Grade Nutritional Supplements

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Though we have Nutritional Supplements at the bottom of our page is should be at the top of your list of steps to take to combat pain or be healthier over all. In addition to a healthy diet; quality, clinical grade nutritional supplements have a direct impact on inflammation and overall health. So why settle for nutritional supplements that are not as advertised? Don’t! Clinical grade supplements undergo more strategic testing to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck!